"Teachings of Love" Series
In the vibration of everything that is not love, love is destroyed. This is plain to see and that is why the truth of love is the emanation of light on this planet in word, thought and deed. In the confines of love, everything is illuminated. Everything can continue to be. Love is the source of all that has been made manifest on this earth. When you learn, love and abide in truth, everything becomes one. With source creation, and from that place of illumination, healing can occur, happiness can occur, love can happen.
We are here to emanate the truth of love, for love is the truth and the truth is love. Can you spend a day living in truth? Your truth, not anybody else’s, not the truth. Not they, not we, not he, not parents, no any other cultural biases. JUST THE TRUTH OF YOUR OWN HEART. Can you spend one day and live in the truth of your heart? Can you spend one day and speak only that which is true for you. What would it be like not to lie to yourself for one day? Much less anyone else. Could you imagine a day where you were not lying to yourself? In subtle thought, one word or deed, how you deny the truth of your own heart, when that is all that you need to do. This one forgets and remembers and then prays for forgiveness, when all that she needs to do is stay in alignment with truth. Because the truth is love, and the love is truth.
"Abide in me, abide in me, abide in me and you will see all my love eternally, abide in me, and you will see, that you’ll be free. Abide in love, abide in love, abide in love and you will see, that you’ll be free."
Freedom is your birthright. Freedom what we all require in order to do what we desire. Love can flash in things. To be free, love eternally. That which you are, that which you do. Abide in me is all that I know.